
Getting to know us

TOSHPA is a professional and non-political think tank healthcare organization of all Sierra Leonean professionals abroad, committed to providing healthcare relief services and creating ideas and policy debates that will shape the future of healthcare policy, practice, and regulation in the country for a healthier Sierra Leone.


Our Objectives

  • Establish and maintain TOSHPA Chapters around the world and an operational head office in the UK that will coordinate the activities of the organization. 
  • Contribute in improving healthcare policy development and delivery of healthcare provision for the benefit of the people living in Sierra Leone that have little or no access to such health service provisions.
  • Contribute to the reduction of the spread of preventable diseases and mortality rates in Sierra Leone in such ways as may be thought fit, through education, training, and assistance in providing required resources.
  • Provide health care professionals with career enhancing information and contribute to raising public awareness on what matters to their health through the independent publication of information on health and healthcare issues, latest national and international health service news, and evidence-based practice.
  • Provide humanitarian relief in areas affected by illicit mining/ natural disasters and other man-made atrocities.
  • Carry out any other business activities, which may be advantageously carried out, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, in connection with, or ancillary to the general business of the organization.

Meet Our Executives

Charity registered in England & Wales. Reg No: 1130854. 

Motto: “Working for healthier communities.”

Useful Links

3 Orchard house, Unwin Square, Orchard Park, 
Cambridge, CB42AD | +447472361286

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